Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Talking about the similes in the latest two stories, the first concept that comes to our mind is “self-centerness”. In “The invisible Japanese gentleman”, there is a woman that, who is concern about her own goals and expectativeness for her future, and she never realize that while she is talking her fiancé is worried about everything but not in what she is declaring. On the other hand, in the story of the horse, the mother of the boy never become conscious of what is happening with her son until the moment he die. The reason, she is concern about her lack of lucky and misfortune, and that is what impedes her to concentrate in the events that the little boy is experiencing.

Secondly, there is a requirement of understanding commonly in both stories. In the Invisible Japanese gentleman, the woman never understands that the power of observation that her boyfriend has, is stronger than anything, and the fact that he never pays attention to her comments, makes the girl get angry. Almost the same situation happens in the story of the horse. Here the person who is not understand by his mother is the boy, actually, what he does starts when he wants to demonstrate to his mother how lucky he is because it seems that is the only way to make her react and change her mind to not being focus on superficial things.

1 comment:

Clau said...

I agree with you in some points Pau, well done!!!!