Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Looking forward the concept of knowledge in the life of Shelley, what comes first to our minds it is the environment that she had in her family when she was younger. Daughter of a great feminist and important writer, she was always encouraged to learn and read about different intereting topics, which ones help her to build her knowledge. However, her life never was something calm and quite. A mother who died when Shelley was born, a lack of understanding from the society, lived with a man who was already married, and being rejected because of it and, are passages that probably boost her to write “Frankenstein”. In this book, Shelley turns her knowledge writing this beautiful story. What is more interesting here, it is the fact that the experiences that the character had to lived, came from the real life of the writer. Both were created, one physically and the other psychologically. Both also lived a rejection from society, one for being rude and ugly and the other for living with a married man. Both learned from books, and had a constantly search of who am I.

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