Saturday, September 20, 2008

"The invisible Japanese gentlemen" by Graham Greene

In the story of Graham Greene, the attitude of the girl is quite normal. When you are in a Restaurant people are often interested in their conversation and not what happened surround them. Probably, what you can do is to see who is in the tables next to you, the number of guests, their nationality, if they are two girls or two boys, a family, etc. The fact to see people from other countries, most of the time is interesting for us. Probably, it could be the reason of the author to focus on their conversation instead of his own.

In the story Greene, show us a girl a little bit superficial and concentrated only in what she is talking and what she wants, to get married with the man. Most of the time the girl is presented foolish because she speaks to the man without realized he is not concentrated in their conversation. The man is aware of the Japanese that are in the table next to them. They seem to be elegant, intelligent and talkative. Inclusively they should seem to have a lot of notoriety in the place because of the way in which the author places his attention in them was amazing. It was like a treasure which one the author did not want to loose the footprints.

The title of the story suits perfectly with what it contains. Even though the man was out of the group of Japanese, he was as an invisible guest looking from the other side of the place. The only think that he could not do was to interfere in their conversation. The title as the complete story are appealing and motivating but at the same time it gives you a real perspective of what can happened in a restaurant.

1 comment:

Bárbara Medina said...

Dear Paulina;
I agree with you about the girl's attitude, I also think that she is only worried about her personal themes.
See you!