Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Charles Dickens and the Victorian Age" (Essay)

Charles Dickens was one of the most important writers of the Victorian Age. This period of the Universal History was marked by prosperity and the industrial revolution but also by poverty, needs, injustices, etc. Even though we want to accept or not, those concept were the ones that marked Dickens’s life. Moreover, those problems left him a sense of justice for what he had to write for. For this reason, his works are completely based on his experiences but what is more trying to call the attention of the society and make them react in front of the injustices and bad treats that poor people had to live.

The Victorian Era was the period under the reign of Queen Victorian. It was comprehend between June 1837, and Concluded in January 1901. This period was better known for its great prosperity due to the industrial revolution, that allow people to create a new social class and what that implied. However, there also were poverty, needs, child labor, and oppression among others. England was a rural country dominated by agriculture, and by the time, the industrial revolution arrived all the people migrated to the city looking for a better jobs and conditions of life. Nevertheless, those dreams which ones people came with were quickly abolished for the owners of these industries. Poor people had to work hard and extensive working day with low salaries. Children and woman were also enrolled in these or factories. For those reasons, poor people in the city lived in denigrating conditions, as an example: they had to share their houses with more than five families. Unsanitary conditions increased the illness and the rate of mortality. Different Epidemics covered the majority part of the land and left it damaged.

Charles Dickens lived in those days and was affected for these injustices. When he was a child his father was sent to prison for debts and his family had to move to a city near to prison, except Charles that instead of that, he was sent to work to the city , and thus supporting economically to his family. His life was full of miseries and needs, which ones made him to be strong in front of them. After a period, his father encouraged him to assist to the Wellington House Academy probably trying to save him to the work world, which one Dickens was immersed. In his life as student, he spent much time reading and acting. When he became and important and successful writer, he always wanted to point out the society of the XIX century and make people react to it. Moreover, He tried to approach poor people to his work. For this, he was aware of publishing his writing in cheaper handouts, thus everybody could have access to them.

Finally, and despite to his success, we think that Charles Dickens never forgot his poor roots and he always wanted to make them the main theme of his works (injustices, power, and poverty). Even though his childhood was not good, he was able to overcome those problems and made of his work a kind of mirror of his own life. In addition, to call the attention of people he tended to used children because they were the powerful image of that time.

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