Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the odour of chrisantemums

to understand the story of elizabeth it is necesaryto realize the damage that alcohol does within a family. The fact to see the love of your life being destroyed, it is something very difficult to live with. Probably this is the reason why she felt her husband like a strange in her life. he was the responsable of destroy the dreams that she had in a time. However, the hopes come to her in the moment of his husband's dead. there she see the beautifulness of life again, a reasonable thought, having in mind that this drunk man was the obstacle and the heavy bag that she has to carry every day. the thing is how do not feel the same as elizabeth when you are living with a man that he only does is to bring sadness and pity?


Bárbara Medina said...

I gree with you about how alcohol problemas can effect a family. This story is an example of this because we can find a wife who is treated badly for her alcoholic husband.

Wladimir Muñoz said...

I could see the importance that you gave to bad elements, alcohol,the destruction of the dreams and unhappyness. I think these points show very comtemporary topic, what is very shocking, because the author lived other times, but he was able to describe problems that today are strongly present in our society

María José García-Huidobro said...

Yeah, it is true. It is amazing how someone can destroy your life and make you unhappy. Although, if you had a bad experience with an especific person, it is very difficult to think how you can feel relieve when someone dies.Maybe this feeling is not intentional but it is very cruel when you wish someone´s death. As human beings we must look for our happiness and think before we make a decition.
pd: nice blog
María José García-Huidobro