Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Virginia Woolf"

A room of one owns written by Virginia Wolf is a very interesting piece of writing. Moreover, it depicted very well the women’s situation in those days. However, there is a point in which one I do not agree with her, and it is the fact that she wrote from the point of view of a women who belonged to the upper class. Probably my comment is not understandable at all but I will clear it. I think that she could take the fact that women were delegated to the housechores and to take care of children and family before to ask why women did not write or were not dedicated to other fields. probably she had all the time that she wanted because she had not anything to do. But women’s situation were the opposite to hers. Their future were not in writing and by the time the society wanted them as the houskeeper, they were not aware of other things. Their awareness were focus on the house. People speak so easily about others. Neverthenless, they say what they see and to live and see are quite different. Even though she was very good depicting the women’s problem, I believe she should go beyond the comments and to live like a women from a low or a working class.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Corrected posts!!!

"The Waste Land"

When we did the activity base on to look at the picture and connect it to one of the titles of the story of “wasteland”, the first headline that came to my mind was “The Burial of the Death”। I have always seen and experimented that people when want to forget something, they through it away (metaphorically) Where do they things go? The picture is the answer. The photograph is full of rubbish, for me! Nevertheless, for a person who this garbage belonged to, that is the death of a memory that probably hurt them much and which one they do not want to continuous living. Papers are the symbols of remembers. The image shows us the cemetery but this time not of death people. This is a cemetery where things that are truly important such as time, love, pace, etc are buried and they were left behind by the time people decided to get into this city and live like a robot and forgetting that they are part of human kind and not of a Factory.

"The odour of chrysanthemums"

To understand the story of Elizabeth, it is necessary to realize the damage that alcohol does within a family. The fact to see the love of your life being destroyed, it is something very difficult to live with. Probably this is the reason why she felt her husband like a strange in her life. He was the responsible of destroy the dreams that she had in a time. However, the hopes come to her in the moment of his husband's dead. there she see the beautifulness of life again, a reasonable thought, having in mind that this drunk man was the obstacle and the heavy bag that she has to carry every day. The thing is how do not feel the same as Elizabeth when you are living with a man that he only does is to bring sadness and pity?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"The Waste Land"

When we did the activity based on looking at the picture and connected it to one of the titles of the story of “wasteland”, the first headline that came to my mind was “The Burial of the Death”. I have always seen and experimented that people when want to forget something painful for them, they through it away, Where do they things go? The picture is the answer. The photograph is full of rubbish, for me! Nevertheless, for a person who this garbage belonged to, that is the death of a memory that hurt them much and which ones they do not want to continuous living. The image shows us the cemetery but this time not of death people. This is a cemetery where things that are truly important as time, love, pace, etc are buried and they were left behind by the time people decided to get into this city and live like a robot and forgetting that they are part of human kind and not of a Factory.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the odour of chrisantemums

to understand the story of elizabeth it is necesaryto realize the damage that alcohol does within a family. The fact to see the love of your life being destroyed, it is something very difficult to live with. Probably this is the reason why she felt her husband like a strange in her life. he was the responsable of destroy the dreams that she had in a time. However, the hopes come to her in the moment of his husband's dead. there she see the beautifulness of life again, a reasonable thought, having in mind that this drunk man was the obstacle and the heavy bag that she has to carry every day. the thing is how do not feel the same as elizabeth when you are living with a man that he only does is to bring sadness and pity?