Monday, November 17, 2008

Essay "Frankenstein"

Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus is a well-known novel written by the great writer Mary Shelley. This work develops important and strong themes which one make people react. In some cases, such themes are a reflection of Shelley’s life and in others, she only want to appeal the common sense of people.

One of the first themes you can find within the novel is “monstrosity”. Not only because the core of the story is about a monster, was the way it created though. Firstly, Frankenstein is a man created by mixing different body parts from other corpses. Secondly, the monster has a horrible appearance because of his creation and thirdly his bad behavior, which one obeys to the rejection, he suffers from society. Besides this, the characteristics of monstrosity also reached the creator of Frankenstein. A mad and selfish, scientific that in order to accomplish his goals is able to go beyond the natural limits of life.

The ambition to get the first knowledge, to find the unknown was also a developed topic in the story. The immeasurable hope to create something new what was carried out victor to do a deep research and transgress the limits of acceptance. In fact, Victor was not the only one who wanted to be the first in a specific area. For example, Waltson wanted to overpass the expedition that until that moment people have done it in the North Pole. However, for both characters (Victor and Waltson) that hopes for “the first knowledge” turned into dangerous. Frankenstein started to kill Victor’s family, friends and relatives. Moreover, in the Expedition of Waltson, he ended lost between the ice sheets of the North Pole.

Mystery is also in the novel since Victor gave life to Frankenstein, he decided to keep him jealously hide for two reasons. Firstly, to avoid his creation could be investigated and copied by other Scientifics of the moment. Secondly, because of his ugly or grotesque appearance. A man with more than 5 feet of high, full of stitches and scars and with a violent behavior are characteristics that need to be carefully guarded.

In conclusion, in the Novel of Frankenstein the reader can identify some important themes, which ones fly smoothly in the complete literary work. Such of them are Mystery, knowledge (to find the unknown) and monstrosity. They show you the life of a created man, who has as purpose to go with his creator to everywhere.

The story shows you the sorrow of a monster, which is rejected by society because of his grotesque physical appearance. However, the novel left you a teaching of life. Not to discriminate people because of the differences you can have. In addition, not always the discovery of the unknown means something good. Sometimes it can shift dangerously against you and you pass from being the first in discover or innovate something new to be the first victim of this discovery you have made.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One of the first important themes that you can find within the novel is monstrosity. Not only because the core of the story is about a monster, the way how it was created though, so all he involves is an entirely atrocity. A human created by mixing different body parts from other corpses. Moreover, the characteristics of monstrosity also reached the creator of Frankenstein, victor, and a mad scientific that in order to accomplish his goals is able to go beyond the natural limits.

Secondly, the ambition to get the knowledge, the immeasurable hopes to create something new carried out victor to transgress the limits of acceptance. However, this knowledge turn into a dangerous tool, by the time Frankenstein started to kill his family, relatives and friends. So, his creation that could bring him a new way to spend time with turned into a destructive machine.

Mystery also plays a very important role in the Novel. Since he gave life to Frankenstein to keep in hide him to avoid his creation could be copied by others Scientifics of the time. However, it was not the only reason why he decided to maintain Frankie out of people’s sight. His ugly or grotesque physical appearance also was what influence victor’s decision. A man with more than 5 feet of high, full of stitches and scars is not a pleasant image for us.

Going further in the novel. it also necessary to point out the mayor symbol of the novel. This power of enlightenment or light represents the knowledge. The novel depicted victor as a concentrated and able to go to anywhere in terms to make his investigation true or bring out with tangible examples. Victor is depicted as a man who has been working hardly in the darkness when finally he came up or sees the light with his great invention, Frankenstein.
it's missing the intr, conclusion and more ideas.

Monday, November 3, 2008


In the two poems, the first image that comes to your mind is the destruction that war made. How it desolated the city, the damages that it provoked within the families and to the people who had to participate in it. I think that the writer depicted very well, in both pieces of writing, the consequences that it brought. Despite the pity meaning of the words, it is good because it makes you react and think that this is not the proper way to solve conflicts between people. I believe that the two poems is a good way to took conscious about problems and the incorrect decisions that sometimes people made. Moreover, most of the time, it only brings to people sorrow and unhappiness.